With Open Automation, ASMPT has developed a concept that provides an alternative to fully automated shop floors because of their tendency to be inflexible and expensive. It allows electronics manufacturers to determine the degree and speed of their transition to automation in a way that works best for them. As a tool for the economically feasible optimization of processes and for achieving gains in quality and efficiency, Open Automation gives maximum flexibility.
Each month we’ll bring you an action-packed livestream with hook-ups to international SMT hot spots, interviews with experts, application examples of Open Automation in real SMT factories, and much more.
SHARE WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS: the Open Automation White Paper
This white paper serves as a comprehensive guide for your automation plans and projects. A registration is necessary. Its available as complete version and in single volumes.
PROPOSE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS: Open Automation Remote Demo
To make it easier than ever for your customers to gain a competitive advantage, we now offer for existing and potential ASMPT SMT equipment users custom-tailored, in-depth product demonstrations which you can view in the comfort of your own office.